Carla Lee Johnston,
Our New Earth (ONE) Community serves as a working formula and living biotope for activating global human and earth healing through whole-being reintegrative experiences, ushering ultimately a living formula for universal peace.
ONE Community biotope is a living university model of 140 residents, modeling regenerative whole-being healing experiences, and serving Gaia through stewarding bio Regenerative Eco-Agriculture programs, state-of-energy-technology healing and wellness centre, serving and co-creating a conscious field for living interconnected and attuned on Gaia as ONE human family, existing and collaborating together non-violently, honoring our sacred harmony and co-existence with all life. ONE Ethos is heart-centered to all who live, study and experience ONE Community in sacred wholeness, reconnecting trust, healing and transparency fundamental to creating a living technology accessible to all, as a replicable living formula for universal healing and peace, established within a truly regenerative healing community.
Regenerative wholistic systems foster interconnected contemplative innovation that redesigns thriving and equitable systems that integrate the needs of society within the integrity of Nature, increasing capitals (natural, social, human, and financial) adding value by re-cognizing humans as producers, not consumers.
We know the heart is our Source connection to heal and harness the bravery required to step out and unplug from The Matrix of conditioned socially engineered constructs that feed anti-life consumptive modeling and separation. Liberation individually and collectively connects us to our common vision of a future worth choosing by “being the change.” ONE Community nurtures healing, trust, and the inner safety required to unplug and step beyond our conditioned identity, supported within a living healing biotope, modeling alternative regenerative wholistic interconnected systems, grounded in love, living, and learning, to actualize the reality of what is possible when we align ourselves to The Law of ONE, living within our irreducible connection, wisdom, and power of Nature.
ONE Community living biotope begins the answer to “How can we live together in a world without war and cruelty, moving together beyond basic survival and biological needs that trigger fear, to spontaneously heal and thrive in a world where we all have enough globally?”
I am ONE within ALL
This is our ONE inner-constitution mantra which serves as a daily guiding reminder of who we truly are, why we are here, and to remember where we come from. To reactivate and ground our sacred Creation roots as love, we honor and seek to see one another, as divine children of Gaia, connected by our unified heartbeat. Here, now, to reclaim experientially our Sovereign Soul Creation Blueprint through awakening to our individual and collective self-responsibility, here to live symbiotically with The Source from which all life animates. Ubuntu and The Law of ONE is our spiritual practice to heal one another from our shared wounds of separation though recognition that we judge and react from our wounds and blind spots, and that love embodied, is how we heal from the suffering perpetuated by our shared wounds of our Separation Story belief systems.
A Benevolent Model for
Regenerative Living, Healing & Immersion Experiences
To rebirth Our New Earth―a thriving living biotope, stewarding the human experience to live in harmony with The Sacredness of all life, beyond separation and suffering.
Empower our family of humanity around the world to unite to build a network of communities constructed as regenerative wholistic systems, decentralized, replicable, and to serve as a living formula for healing, peace, and living together as a nonviolent culture by:
Incubating Law of ONE ethical value and social systems, healing and stewarding our ecological, technological, economic and planetary resources within foundations and wholistic systems that become a replicable model for humanity.
Immersion living experiences for healing and reconnection to Self and Nature.
Modeling through stewardship training and supporting those committed to participating in collaboration by bringing their genius to co-creating Healing Biotopes Globally.
Building Our New Earth ONE Communities by sharing an immersive working vision and Living Biotope for Our New Earth―Rewriting an epic love story within the love-making.
Community Schools
of Integrative Learning
Align Mind. Body. Soul
ONE Community is a healing living sanctuary for transformation, reconnection and regeneration, from within, as above, so below, to empower and ignite our genius, co-creating a thriving future worth choosing. Join our healing live-in immersions programs and retreats which provide the necessary healing skillsets to serve our individual and collective healing and conscious expansion.
As a living and learning biotope, we will build 13 different eco-bio energy-efficient “top of our world view pods,” each modeling different construction materials such as AirCreate, Hempcrete, Geodesic Domes, Earth Homes and A-Frame living and retreat spaces to invite new world architects, planners, visionaries, and integrators to gain experiential wisdom that accelerates cultural regeneration and global adaptation. Our community regenerative healing, gathering centre, and retreat rooms are inspired and harmonic to Nature’s design, inviting deep restoration, healing and reconnection to nature.
Our shared communal retreat, yoga/meditation, state-of-energy-technology healing and regeneration centre, our plant-inspired kitchen and gathering spaces, nature and play gardens, fire circles and ceremonial spaces, foster reconnection to Self as irreducible to our nature.
Living & Retreat Spaces
Paramita Healing & Wellness Centre
Paramita Meaning: To help humanity reach the other shore; the shore to liberation from dis-ease, poverty, hunger, ignorance, and birth to death.
Life thrives when brought back into harmonic connection. A diagnosis can be scary, but what if our diagnosis is the gift offering awakening, a reconnection to our whole-being and body’s innate intelligence to healing? We heal from the inside out as we identify and rebalance the imbalances of life.
Paramita Wellness offers immersive healing and wellness programs to nourish you wholly in mind, body, and soul/spirit.
The future, here today at Paramita Wellness, is the medicine of frequencies…
Our integrative living model represents State of Technology healing immersive experinces in Integrative Functional Medicine, BioEnergetics, NeuroImmunology, delving deep into cellular metabolism, immune system suppression, crisis/trauma connection to dis-ease, which are the defining traits of all cancers and other chronic diseases, and provide the roadmap to healing. Whole body integration healing honors the sacred aspects of the holographic whole Soul Self, rather than just treating physical symptoms of the dis-ease process.
Integrative Quantum Medicine is our unparalleled whole-being integrative approach incorporating therapies for healing intervention and wellness care which quickly promotes detoxification and immune system restoration, necessary constituents for regaining health which includes:
Detoxification Therapies
Bio-Energetic Addiction Healing Support
Blood Purification
IV Therapies
Hyperbaric Chamber
Rife Frequencies and Blood Purification
Stem Cell Activation Therapies
Healing and vanquishing the potential for dis-ease begins with reconnecting to the anatomy of your authentic whole Self. Reclaiming your strong immune system is your best defense for fighting viruses, healing, age reversal, and starving off disease, and are the necessary building blocks for a long and thriving life. As we regain our emotional balance and heart reconnection as love, our perfectly designed immune system is empowered and fed with the sacred nutrients that regeneratively heal.
At ONE Community, you are invited to immerse yourself in living knowledge in action, repatterning your conscious awareness, where lasting transformation becomes The Way to living an integrated thriving life. Our living ONE (Our New Earth) Community healing biotope is here to let you know that you are never alone in your journey to healing, divine reconnection and that all life is inspired to thrive within our reconnection to love, to nature, as an interconnected environment that nourishes you Body. Mind. Soul.
A Divine Imperative Is At Hand…
Our living healing biotope is located about 5 minutes from Marshall, and 30 minutes from Asheville, North Carolina. Nestled on protected and sacred land, ONE Community is a 324-acre conservancy sanctuary, within 20 minutes of The Blue Ridge Appalachian rainforest, a region rich with unique climatic and topography, making it home to a diverse and unique ecosystem.
Our New Earth Community challenges innovation to honor wholistic systems models thinking, as our global collapsing systems face the truth that we cannot interfere in one area of our interconnected living eco-bio-systems ignoring the consequences, and our global responsibility, to serve and protect the well-being of our planetary resources for our future generations.
We trust the nobility of the human, free of enslavement to our shared basic and biological needs being met, to joyfully contribute and serve their divine gifts to collaborate, honor and serve the co-creation of Our New Earth, rendering the old anti-life systems obsolete.
A Protected Land Trust Conservancy
Connect With Us
Seeking Soulrockers… To learn more about being a part of ONE living biotope, please fill out this form below or email us at connectme@onecommunity.global
Is there a deep sense within you longing to break free from social engineering, to collaborate and invest compassionately by bringing your resources and genius to build Our New Earth? Inquire here to be a part of a regenerative and replicable sovereign living biotope, here now, to write our epic love story in Godspeed. ONE Community beckons The Divine Dreamer...what unlimited realities of Heaven on Earth will we co-create?