ONE (Our New Earth) Biotope Community
Awakening the divine reunion, as ONE family of humanity… For it is time.
Let us unite around thousands of fires, attuning into the new divine lifeforce frequencies supporting the reclaiming of our Sacred Reunion of Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine―our ONE Creation DNA template, from within―and within reflection to one another.
In this moment, we each are being called to heal from the core shared wounds of separation, to reclaim our rightful sovereign sacredness, of honor, and take self-responsibility, here, now, to dance in the sacred fire, to prepare our hearts and regenerate the fertile soils, to partake in preparing for The Feast. A time of gathering, and seed planting, watering, and harvest, where we ignite the flame of Supreme Truth within us, to live consciously in harmony with one another, and with Gaia―to rewrite our epic unborn and undying love story.
What Is a Healing Biotope?
The word “biotope” comes from the Greek “bio” (life) and “topos” (place). It’s a habitat where all life forms – humans, animals, plants, waters and other beings―co-exist in unified bio-diversity.
The origins of the words “healing,” “wholeness” and “holy” are the same. To heal doesn’t mean to fix an illness or problem, but to transmute the stories and heal the traumas of separation we have all been conditioned within, restoring inner unity, peace and (re)connection as love, to reflect this harmony and regenerative Creation blueprint pre-sent within all life.
“When we create beyond the world that conditioned separation stories, our inner healing becomes reflected love actualized in our outer world. This ignites the passions to come together to re-cognize our unified wholeness. This is our why we are here.”
Co-creating within Healing Biotopes is the chrysalis fulcrum point where we commune, heal, steward, and model a new benevolent culture where unity-based consciousness is recognized and lived as our superlative state of being. As we harmonize to align within the Universal Law of ONE, healing happens spontaneously.
Our New Earth Healing Biotope Community is a benevolent social, ecological, and economic formula which allows life’s intrinsic healing powers of unity to unfold our true Creation DNA Blueprint, to rewrite the books of life into our epic love story, transforming our human culture. WE consciousness ignites our hearts through serving alignment within our unique and diverse gifts, serving one another within our sacred Universal Law of ONE; where cooperation, collaboration, and trust are fundamental and recognized as intrinsic within our human Creation design.
Ultimately, ONE Communities are open-source healing biotopes where all beings come to immerse themselves in living together, honoring our sacred uniqueness, diversity, within a framework that reveres connection, community, autonomy, celebration, and exploration, interconnected to healing and reconnection to our heart’s mutual needs to matter, to be valued and recognized within our interdependence within independence, all inclusively grounded through cooperation and unreserved trust.
The gift of healing biotopes for humanity’s ascension to a world without war, hunger games, and separation, ignites our experientially witness of benevolent regenerative models in action, serving as a global incubator embodying Our New Earth, a common vision and divine directive for healing of body, mind and soul, within collaboration for co-creating sovereign communities globally, expanding decentralized technology to build and scale resource-based economies, as a teaching micro-to-macro Research Institute for integrating working knowledge, application, and collaborative research―replicable benevolent models to support and scale the emergence of co-creating thriving worldwide wholistic living system’s models at energetic nodal points around our planet.
ONE community is a “alpha-omega” healing biotope whose mission is to support our human and planetary evolution within regenerative healing practices in Godspeed.
Our focus on healing and regeneration (re)education includes:
Worldwide State-of-Energy-Technology Healing & Regeneration Centre
Healing & Wellness Immersion Experiences
Focused Healing of Separation with our Relationships
WE – Sacred Union, Divine Partnering Reconnection & Healing
Community Centered Children Raising and Wisdoming―Serving Our Future Planetary Stewards Through Unschooling
Self-Healing & Reconnection Immersion Experiences
Teaching and Parenting Programs for Language of Compassion
Living Ahimsa – Practice of Non-violence For All Animals and All Beings
Restoring Harmony & Connection Within Nature
Regenerative Soil and Bio-Diverse Farming Institute, with micro-loans for our generational farmers to heal our soils and reclaim food sovereignty in Godspeed
Regenerative Decentralized Sovereignty Model in Water, Energy and Food
Modeling Benevolent Wholistic System Economics
The Critical Mass Tipping Point
The critical mass tipping point as authored by Malcom Gladwell is described as “as a momentum of critical mass where the unexpected becomes expected, where radical change is more than possibility. It is—contrary to all our expectations—a certainty. Though we are all conditioned “gradualists,” with “our expectation set by the steady passage of time,” according to Gladwell, such change “happens not gradually, but at one dramatic moment.”
WE enter this point in time in awakening unity Christ/Sophia consciousness… Transformation occurs first within experientially as an inner shift in consciousness. Within this unified state of oneness, we move from the singular I/me identification to honoring our beingness consciousness, a living connection to Us/WE.
Within this morphogenetic field of unity, global change occurs within this unified system of consciousness, as a spontaneous moment, whereby the unexpected therefore becomes in fact, the expected evolutionary quantum leap in reality.
The global Elite systems of separation, aka: “The Matrix” of socially-engineered dominance anti-life separation systems programming perpetuating power-over violence, hunger games, savior programming, and anti-life separation systems, which if we see into this duality of reality, we can see these collapsing as systems all around us. WE, unplugging from these systems, become the answer and soulution we’ve been praying for.
To free oneself, one must first the lie of separation, aka: “The Matrix” into their own indoctrination fear-based programming into anti-life systems that are incoherent with the Supreme Truth of who we are. To free oneself from perceiving oneself as needing to be free, one must experience being bound, of accepting that war has been a historical loss to all life, as we enter self-inquiry to see there is no need to compete to survive or evolve. One must come to the self-realization that what they seek is a reconnection to their core essence-the “who” am I, beyond identity, and the fear of separation, perpetuated by our current socially-engineered duality matrix. Healing and liberation then become spontaneous conscious reconnection to The Truth that lives within our interconnected hearts.
Within our Living Matrix is our encoded sacred Creation DNA―it is the truth of who we are, beyond our conditioning, identity, roles, and consumptive models that perpetuate fear and all suffering in our world.
Within The Living Sacred Matrix, our Creation DNA holds our superlative beingness as unborn love. As we remove the matrix of fear, we open our heart fields to breathe, heal, regenerate, and trust in this reflected unborn and undying love, to exist and create from our inner sanctuary where neither fear or violence exists—where we experience and live within our interconnectedness with all life.
As we unite in focused collaboration to meet and move beyond our basic fundamental and biological needs, what emerges is our inherent desire to contribute to life, removing the barriers to exhalt healing and rebirth.
A Benevolent
Model for
Regenerative Living, Healing & Immersion Experiences
To rebirth Our New Earth―a thriving living biotope, stewarding the human experience to live in harmony with The Sacredness of all life, beyond separation and suffering.
Empower our family of humanity around the world to unite to build a network of communities constructed as regenerative wholistic systems, decentralized, replicable, and to serve as a living formula for healing, peace, and living together as a nonviolent culture by:
Incubating Law of ONE ethical value and social systems, healing and stewarding our ecological, technological, economic and planetary resources within foundations and wholistic systems that become a replicable model for humanity.
Immersion living experiences for healing and reconnection to Self and Nature.
Modeling through stewardship training and supporting those committed to participating in collaboration by bringing their genius to co-creating Healing Biotopes Globally.
Building Our New Earth ONE Communities by sharing an immersive working vision and Living Biotope for Our New Earth―Rewriting an epic love story within the love-making.