Our Ethos is heart-centered to all who live, study and work within ONE Community; honoring our vital and dynamic inner constitution which aligns to the sacred wholeness within, essential to (re)establishing trust and transparency fundamental to the strong healing technology accessible exponentially within community.
Alignment and realignment to our core values of unity, from within, is our daily essence practice, woven into life and collaboration within our community; holding unity-based consciousness as a Law of Unity, where self-responsibility and conduct in honored in our daily interactions, harnessed from within, and reflected in our mutual care and support within the community.
To unplug and heal from our shared wounds of separation, which has deeply disconnected our true superlative state of being, individually and in relationship, how does one re-establish trust? Our focused fundamental Constitution is to heal the disconnection, from within, so that as we co-create new ways of life, and sacred union, as we enter explorations of living full transparency by honoring what is alive within our inner world, we rebuild trust within our conscious awareness that all life and connection to needs is sacred, valued, and matters.
To heal and return to our sacred Creation Template, we abide to live in a community of life that honors and reveres one another, all animals, and plants, within the micro and macrocosm that weaves our interconnectedness to all Kingdoms of life.
As with any evolutionary organism, one must allow for the organic revelations to unveil within the exploration and expansion of consciousness seeking an ever-infinite reflection of love, from within.
We trust in the divine grace that true self-inquiry reveals…
The Law of One is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. The Law of One is a Sacred Science of the mechanics of Christ/Sophic unity-consciousness and are the Natural Laws governing our Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Infinite Creator, or God. Eternal Love consciousness embodied in a form is Unity intelligence, and simultaneously recognized as, the Inner Light of Christos. Unity consciousness is at One with God and Unity consciousness ignites the Inner Light of Christos. Practicing Unity Consciousness and Living the Law of One directly reflecting the image of God’s Love and is eternally protected. Be At One with All, as One is All with God. Every soul is taking the same journey, but each soul has evolved at a different level. The teachings of the Law of One describe the spiritual laws that govern our spiritual evolution for each dimension. It is a single philosophical system that reveres all life as sacred, and humanity is responsible for all life on the planet. Natural Law applies to all inhabitants of our Mother Gaia, and beyond. This principle is innate within all sentient beings. Therefore, all life must be engaging with love, considering the role of each of us plans in the protection and stewarding in our overall eco-bio-systems of our planet. World Humanism merges
Simply put, the Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. It is The Truth taught by Christ when he proclaimed, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." We are all direct expressions of the One Source God Source. The Law of One is an energetic reality as well as a creational covenant with the Founder Races. The Law of One is practiced by the Advanced Races that promote Self-Responsibility and accountability in our Universal Time Matrix through the comprehension of the energetic interconnection that exists between all living things. The Law of One expresses and acknowledges the interconnection, value and interdependence of the spirit and Creation Consciousness which animates all things. This is The Way to our planetary liberation and reunification.
1. PRACTICE ONE: UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS - The Law of One is the comprehension that all things are made of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One. The Law of One is a Sacred Science of the mechanics of consciousness and are the Natural Laws governing our Universal Creation. All-One is the recognition that Eternal Truth is Eternal Love and Eternal Love is the organic consciousness of Infinite Creator, or God. Eternal Love consciousness embodied in a form is Unity intelligence, and simultaneously recognized as, the Inner Light of Christos. Unity consciousness is at One with God and Unity consciousness ignites the Inner Light of Christos. The Inner Light of Christos when actualized in form, is the embodiment of an Eternal God Human. Practice Unity Consciousness and One is directly reflecting the image of God’s Love and is eternally protected. Be At One with All, as One is All with God.
2. PRACTICE TWO: LOVE YOURSELF – Apply the practice of Unity with All-One as an extension towards loving, honoring, and respecting yourself. Acknowledge the precious life force within by holding reverence and respect for yourself in all ways. Loving yourself is the action of Self Sovereignty, which is the natural state of embodying God’s Eternal Love. As a manifestation of God’s eternal spirit of Love, one has the ability to choose to create personal freedom without harming others. Have courage to remove the obstacles of pain and fear to become embodied Love, as God’s spirit is always found within.
3. PRACTICE THREE: LOVE OTHERS – As you learn to love yourself, love others. Acknowledge the precious life force in others by holding love, reverence, and respect for others. Loving others as you love yourself, is the natural state of Self Sovereignty as you give others the same reverence for their life, as you give your own life. Through practicing self-love and loving others, no approval, worth or esteem issues come into question, as all is loved equally.
4. PRACTICE FOUR: LOVE EARTH AND NATURE - Loving the Earth and all her creations, the kingdoms of nature, plants, animals, and mineral, which are all alive, conscious and intelligent energy beings. Acknowledge the precious life force present in all of God’s creation, by holding reverence and respect for nature. Doing so restores balance and harmony to nature, and the intelligent energy of all of earth’s creations will respond to cooperate with humankind. Humans living in discord with nature create many events that are considered to be “at the mercy of” the untamed forces. As humans learn to live in harmony with Mother Gaia and the nature kingdom, the natural creatures will align to be in harmony and cooperation with all inhabitants.
5. PRACTICE FIVE: SERVICE TO OTHERS – Upon firmly loving yourself and honoring your path, find methods to be of service to others that do not overstep personal boundaries of discernment. Being of service to others does not include consumptive modeling, such as victim-victimizer, parasitism, or emotional vampirism. Being of service does not hold an ego perspective of entitlement, expectation, or attachment. Practice being of service with unconditional love, and naturally flowing in the moment. The energy exchange made between participants being of service to others, amplifies and expands consciousness growth like no other method. The more you amplify the energetic field of being in service to others, the more joy, harmony, and gifts will be brought into your life. The more service you dedicate to God’s plan, the Law of One, the more spiritual support and spiritual presence one can exchange with God Force.
6. PRACTICE SIX: CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANSION – Learn to develop inner clarity and spiritual integrity by intending to develop personal consciousness and/or spiritual identity. To embody one’s spiritual identity, one’s mind must be initiated and disciplined. If the ego is in authority of the body, it will repel the spiritual identity from embodiment. If the mental body creates obstacles to the spiritual identity, the spiritual identity, therefore the consciousness, will not be experienced. The first step to consciousness expansion is becoming aware of mind control and the quality content of thoughts and belief systems. The second step is to cooperate with the process of mental and physical discomfort by having patience and waiting in the void of silence. Learn to quiet the mind, sublimate the ego and be still. Once stillness, mental discipline and ego sublimation has been achieved, listen to your inner spirit to receive guidance. Inner Guidance will always lead to the process of re-education to experience continual consciousness expansion free of fear and dogma. The Inner Christos always guides one towards choosing more love and peace via consciousness expansion of the spiritual identity.
7. PRACTICE SEVEN: RESPONSIBLE CO-CREATION – As one becomes more infused with the eternal love of the spiritual identity, the intelligent blueprint activates the divine purpose of being as a co-creator with God. The spiritual identity and the intelligent blueprint of divine purpose are one and the same. Clarity of purpose and direction becomes clearer and clearer as one commits to live in service to the principles of All-ONE or Christ spirit. Knowing and living our purpose brings joy, unshakeable peace, and inner fulfillment, even when facing adversity or challenges. Once we achieve “knowing”, WE are responsible for that knowing, and practice responsible co-creation with the All-One. A responsible co-creator knows all manifestations are in partnership with the All-One. We do not possess or control anything, so needs, desires and superimposing will, should be avoided. We are stewards of God Spirit to Serve Others in responsible co-creation with All-One. From this experiential knowing, and living this principle, we are eternally free of karmic exchanges and liberated from The Matrix of deliberately engineered social control anti-lifeforce systems.
“Ubuntu―I am, because we are…” How can one of us be happy if all the others are sad? Ubuntu has its roots in African philosophy, where the spirit of community is one of the building blocks of society.
“Ubuntu” is a roadmap to healing our shared wounds of separation and our way of life at ONE Community. Ubuntu means love, truth, peace, happiness, eternal optimism, inner goodness. Ubuntu is the essence of every human being; the divine spark of goodness inherent within each being. From the beginning of time the divine principles of Ubuntu have guided our African family.
Through the emphasis of unity within community as a sacred humanity, compassion and social responsibility, WE ground the essence of Ubuntu (“I a because WE are”). This foundational core alignment has the potential to reduce conflicts between individuals, communities, and nation, by honoring individual rights, and well-being.
When there is a disconnection from our inner goodness and divination, Ubuntu practices unify the community around the individual’s “offense,” surrounding the “offender” ceremonially within whispers of their goodness, as experienced by each community family member, focusing only of what we see within the soul, beyond the “offense,” trusting that “we all do not know what we do not know, until we do,” and that no one has escaped from our core wounds of separation, so forgiveness is not an action, it is a way of being in harmony within the gift that all actions of disconnection within relationship provides the curriculum of life—to trust that healing is happening through us, and that nothing happens “to us.” As we practice non-judgment, we serve our re-membering of the truth of who we truly are.
The purpose of community is to serve as a strong healing technology, within a microcosm of unifying self-responsibility and self-governance as the true exponential power of “two or more…” serving a common vision of unity consciousness, beyond ego. Our differences and wounds are seen as sacred, as a shedding of our old, conditioned skins, as we each hold one another within the sacred fire of truth and love, transparency, and trust, to heal and restore our connection to wholeness, within the reflection of unconditioned forgiveness.
Within the Covenants of ONE Community, there is an agreed upon spoken sacred governance to honor unity, above ego, knowing and seeking reconnection. This aligning process is completed prior to accepting our individual inner constitutional community living ceremonial oath.
We honor the energetic principles within a Buddhist Sangha and agree to not participate in watering seeds of division, by seeking connection, beyond ego’s identification.
There are two reasons one would ever be asked to leave ONE Community. These are:
Recognizing the seeds of gossip can become a virus of separation, gossip is not tolerated and is handled swiftly, honoring Ubuntu and self-governance through reconciliation between the individuals where any active separation story is playing.
All within ONE community agree to abide in accord that if any disagreement or disconnection occurs between individual community members that the only two that can reconcile their differences are those two individuals. As such, we honor living in one accord, and make every effort to living within this core guiding principle to not let the sun go down on your anger.
Encouragement to address separation stories prior to allowing them to fester is The Way of The Sacred Oath. As such, parties are encouraged to sit together within 72 hours to heal what is the source of difference. If sacred space and support is requested, community and Council Elders will come together to support the heart’s journey to reconnection.
In the event that reconciliation is not possible, then the community will circle and hold space in Ubuntu allowing each individual to speak to the difference through identification of unmet needs within The Language of Compassion model, witnessing any perceived unmet needs as the source of separation, while being held within prayer from our community.
If non-reconciliation prevails, then the community will provide reflection, and if ego still holds separation, then the Council of Elders will weigh in to support reconciliation.
In ONE accord, WE agree and align to see the seeds of gossip are an action of separation. We each accept self-responsibility and self-governance to not participate in allowing division to be watered within our ONE Community.
Gossip is taken as a serious violation and breach to the sacredness Law of ONE, which honors and esteems to live our interconnection to life within community and is consciously honored swiftly.
Unteachable Spirit
If any individual through community that sits before the community and Council of Elders, after Ubuntu has been held, if one refuses to honor unity-based consciousness and reconciliatory healing, acting beyond counsel by the community, and Elders, a Declaratory Notice is issued to that Spirit that if alignment after a one-month restoration period is granted, and unification still is not possible, then that individual who is breach of the sacred Laws of ONE Community is asked to leave and seek healing outside the community, in hopes for respective unity-consciousness re-integration back into ONE community if that be a united and mutual agreed upon will.
WE – The Sacred Reunion Healing Our Shared Sexual Wounds
Our New Earth Community will offer immersion experiences and practice the healing of our shared sexual wounds, rebuilding trust between the sexes, reunifying the inner marriage, to morphogenetically ground and rebirth our sacred template for Hieros Gamos―The Sacred Reunion.
WE, is the practice of moving from the I/me into the Us/WE consciousness, as WE journey into awakening, reconnecting and reunifying all aspects of our divine masculine and feminine energies, from within, which have been repressed and lying dormant in our DNA due to separation story prince/princess and savior encoding programming, that has disassociated one from our true sovereignty and human hologram sacred blueprint due to childhood wounding from our parents, primary role models, our shared core wounds of separation, perpetuated by sexual misery enslavement programming that has, for millenniums, blinded us from cradle to grave, to know thyself as immortal Sacred God Humans.
WE, the practice of unified consciousness, expands our full lifeforce and vitality whereby we enter a state of remembrance of our divine cohesive union between our masculine/feminine/Creation sacred body temple, a progenitor of divine mind, ONE within our spirit/Soul essence. The inner marriage sparks the alchemicalization of the aspects of our trinitized divine feminine and masculine principles to live as a cohesive reflected union of love’s power and force―the Source intelligence that begins the reclaiming and rebirth of our divine sovereign Soul Self, celebrating the reunion of our shared Sacred Sexual Alchemy, to forevermore rewrite our shared epic love story.
Activation and reuniting your Divine Feminine Sophia and Masculine Christ principles of your sovereignty, as divine embodied love, The Sacred Union empowers Creator Sophia/Christed Consciousness activation, as you become a wayshower for humanity's Golden Age ascension call.
HE―SHE/WE immersion experiences illuminates The Way to merge the sacred divine feminine and masculine energies as they heal and integrate the inner marriage, within you, to transcend the boundaries of our separation programming and limiting beliefs about love, and sexuality, which unleashes our pro-creation true DNA Creation lifeforce to penetrate life and one another as reflected love, within and beyond all physicality, whereby our love-making action is our presence within our beingness with one another.
More primordial than our need to pro-create is our need to expand conscious inner reunion, “to know thyself,” and to reunify this unborn love through the sacred sexual experience of inner alchemized communion; an inherent unborn desire to reach our spiritual transcendence “in totality,” to return to our unified state of Oneness—our true DNA Creation Template, as love.
Regenerative Systems
Our relationship to food as spiritual lifeforce has been disconnected. Our capacity to regenerate our body/mind/spirit is in direct reciprocal proportion to re-establishing our reconnection to our Earth’s Kingdoms of bio-systems to heal our soils, plants and our regenerative relationship to food as the conscious spiritual manna that fuels and heals our interconnected sacred relationship to nature and lifeforce.
At ONE Community, we focus on empowering regenerative health by honoring plant-based dietary systems of “spiritual nutrition” which supports our human energy chakra system, with corresponding food colors, aka: “rainbow nourishment,” in the form of raw and cooked whole live-foods as a way of receiving and giving life, living the principles of Ahimsa―do no harm—a breathing blueprint for our sacred living design; living the path to spiritual awakening.
For true nourishment, ONE’s Ethos serves as a healing biotope of regenerative reconnection to the foundation of true nutrition and spiritual synthesis, which is served through our connection to nature, ceremony, community, a regenerative healing living biotope, meditation, yoga and energy practices, plant-medicine, fellowship, divine wisdom, and love in harmony to honor all life as sacred.
Regenerative Agro-Ecological Systems
Regenerative Bio-Diverse Agro-Ecology is a system of regenerative farming that works with nature. Ecology is the study of relationships between plants, animals, humans, and our honors our irreducible connection to our whole systems planetary bio-environments. Acro-ecology is the application and honoring of sustainable principles and practices through responsible governance in farming that increases biodiversity, enriches and regenerates soils, improves watersheds, exponentially healing our bio-eco-wholistic health and planetary systems.
ONE Community stewards regenerative Acro-Ecological immersion teaching experiences, with micro-loans to farmers, in collaborative impact investing S.R.O.I programs, supporting our generational farmers and families, to establish and reclaim our soils and food sovereignty through wholistic farming regenerative collaborative systems.
Community Supported Schools of Integrative LearninG
Our children participate in informal whole-life integrative skills to empower genius confidence which advocates learner-chosen activities as a curriculum-free primary means for learning. Radically different is the living philosophy that children learn through natural life and community experiences including play, household responsibilities, personal interests, and natural curiosity. Programs and tutelage offer diversified environments which preserves our children’s natural curiosity, pleasure, connection to their natural environment, and innate willingness to play a contributory role in relating to oneself and others in the equality of our Creation Sovereignty, living in service to others, centered within their own personal gifts, to populate the world with conscious leaders dedicated to co-creating a regenerative future. Living education includes internships, contribution and work experience in Bio-Ecology, The Language of Compassion, empowering and reconnecting Ancient Wisdom, Nature’s Connection, travel, books of interest, family, mentors, all supported by community and social interaction. Integrative Living wayshowing encourages explorations with activities initiated and envisioned creatively by the children themselves. When learning becomes chosen and personal, it becomes meaningful and cognitively integrated, which builds life skills that foster the growth of our children’s unique gifts and talents as a valued contribution that matters.
Integrative Living schooling serves our future leaders through experience driven skillsets which support children’s deep integrative innerstandings within their surroundings, which drives and celebrates innovation, creativity, adaptation and compassion towards honoring one another's genius, which acknowledges one’s spiritual connection to Self, nature, life, one another and the community as a wholistic system that thrives when we live in in accord to The Laws of ONE, in harmony within one another, and our planetary bio and eco-systems, and all sentient life.
Living Language of Compassion
All emotions are vehicleS of your divine consciousness, arising revelations for your awareness—liberating you beyond the suffering of duality.
— The Truth's Voice
The highest form of human intelligence is the ability to observe without evaluating.
All violence is a tragic expression of an unmet need.
As humans, what we share is our interdependent connection to our universal needs, and the desire to live as the fullest expression of what makes live wonderful, connected, and abundant.
At the basis of the power-over paradigm and conditioned reality, is the false belief that we, as human beings, are separate. Conditioned since early childhood we competed for grades, approval, and even love and affection. Within this conditioning and patriarchy of hierarchy, we have learned to adopt strategies of competition, blame, guilt, shame, lying (or in-authenticity), withdrawal, and even manipulation and control in the form of power-over, overtly or covertly, in a deadly (death of authentic relationship) game of “emotional commerce” in order to have our needs met.
The Language of Compassion (LOC) is a powerful communication process and spiritual practice that imparts a heart-centered language of transparency and connection to what’s alive within us and what needs are seeking connection, either self-connection or connection to one another, establishing in a compassionate and empathic exchange, free of judgment or demand, which naturally increases goodwill, builds authentic trust, deepens our intimacy, and connection to oneself and to others.
Inspired by Gandhi’s principles of non-violence, Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, Visionary for world peace, the founder and Creator of (CNVC Centers for Non-Violent Communication,, the Language of Compassion is based upon his experiential wisdom and lifetime dedication to demonstrating that “violence in any form is a tragic expression of our unmet needs.”
What if at the heart of every war and feeling of separation you experience in life, whether with lovers, friends, children, parents, or what you perceive in separation between communities, religions or nations, you find that it is just the strategies we have been conditioned to employ to meet our needs, not the needs themselves, that cause the war of separation between two hearts?
“In the space of demand, implied or not, healthy human beings will generally respond in a state of resistance. This is natural as it protects our deep needs for autonomy and freedom.” When we authentically express a need and inquiry from a place of question, it puts us in a vulnerable and very powerful position. Employing a mutual exploration of needs, WE co-create a win-win economy of interchange and interdependency that is authentic and connected, outside of beliefs of what one has been conditioned to believe that “should,” “have to,” do to “be” in relationship. When we truly innerstand how our contribution can make life more wonderful for one another, we meet at the heart where there is an inherent desire to love and contribute.
ONE Community focuses on connection through healing old paradigm belief and “archetypal roles” perpetuated by mirrored patriarchal systems. Maintaining connection to our inner language of needs, releasing judgment and demand, first as an inner dialogue and self-inquiry as witness, redirects our inner relationship to innerstanding needs, compassionately, in a way that builds inner trust that all needs matter, carry mutual integrity, honoring autonomy, and celebrates our interdependence to one another, while recognizing that needs are the common language and bond that makes our universal experience to relationships and exploration of what makes life more wonderful, rather than cycles of a bartering game of “emotional commerce.” As we release old systems of conditioned violence and power-over contained within our speech, whether that comes from labeling behaviors of others as right/wrong, good/bad, or manipulating or encouraging others to do what we want them to do through power-over tactics of diversion, shame, blame, guilt, judgment, or belief systems locked into patriarchal roles of what one “has to” or “should” do, or be, we experience truth and deep connection in all relationships, to oneself, and to one another.
Living the Language of Compassion honors the river of emotions, feelings, and interdependent needs that we all share which makes this experience called life more wonderful. In essence, The Language of Compassion is a spiritual practice that reconnects us to the heart of unity and celebrates the beauty of our Universal connections to needs.